DOYMAR Public Association of the Faithful
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is our Patroness, Mother and best Teacher of knowledge, love and union with her Divine Son. DOYMAR began in 1983 as a youth Prayer Movement, DOYMAR, in response to the Holy Year of the Redemption.
"YOUTH MOVEMENT" because the word "movement" has a connotation of vitality, dynamism and a united front towards one goal: to love Jesus Christ. The Movement is made up of young men and women from approximately 15 to 23 years of age, to whom we offer the opportunity to get together to search for and come to know, love and serve Jesus as a group.
DISCIPLE. We wish above all to esteem the work of Redemption on a personal level and also to understand the indispensable place of prayer in our lives. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by the Father's WiII and in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, revealed to us the love of the Trinity by becoming man. He revealed His Word and His mercy, He redeemed us by His death and He gave us eternal life by His resurrection. From this knowledge there arises within us the desire to belong to Christ.
PRAYERFUL. To truly be a disciple we have to tap into prayer and therefore a disciple has to be rooted in prayer.
MARIAN. In the incarnation of the Son of God, a woman intervened as a mother, who is also our Mother and the Mother of the Church, Mary. We need her assistance as an intercessor and teacher to learn to know Jesus and to follow His example. For this reason, the prayerful disciple also has to be a fervent child of Holy Mary.
APOSTOLlC. At the same time, a disciple feels the urgent need to do apostolate because he/she wants to communicate to others the richness that he/she has been progressively discovering.
REDEMPTION. We delve into the understanding of these mysteries and of the merciful and universal work of redemption that we want to communicate and share with others.
Thus, the acronym in Spanish: DOYMAR (DiscÍpulo, Orante y Mariano Apostólico de la Redención). Prayerful and Marian-Apostolic Disciples of Redemption.
From August 1-4, about 200 young people gathered from all of Spain, Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico at the International Doymar Meeting held in El Monte del Gozo (Galapagar). They were very intense days of prayer, convivence, rest and recreation along with the Sisters and under the maternal protection of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. The DOYMAR is led by a Mother or a Sister. In addition, many enriching and varied testimonies are shared. The young people can enjoy the encounter together with other young people from all our apostolic works.