"The vocation of a Daughter of Holy Mary of the Heart of Jesus in the Church is a total Consecration to God, in union with Mary, in response to the love of the Heart of Jesus, to render the worship of Adoration, Love and Reparation to Him especially in the Eucharist, to participate in his Mission of redeeming love, and to manifest, in her own life, the sentiments of the Heart of Christ."
"Joyful, yes, because I have heard the call to the total following of the Master. You, Lord, demand my answer as such, and that I may help make souls understand it as such." (Thursday, October 21, 1993)
Our Mother Maria de Jesus:
"I believe that God has each soul destined for a special vocation and only in it will each one be able to give Him the greatest glory." (1955)
"I consider the vocation to be very great. My spirit is joyful and thankful thinking about it. I feel the caress of God in my soul, like a jubilant sign of his predilection for me. I feel the duty of perfecting the duties He entrusts to me, fulfilling them each day with greater faithfulness, with greater delicacy, with greater love. May the repetition of acts never bring about routine but yes, always, virtue." (6/16/1957)
"Jubilantly I sing to You, O Lord, because your call set me free. Free, with alert vigilance, of the flesh, the world and the devil. Free, only, thanks to your grace, because without You, Who redeemed me, I would be in chains. Now, on the contrary, I am a slave, for love of Love, of my sisters, of the good of others. This is true and, nevertheless, how much misery do I still find enclosed within me! I am happy because I love You, but happier yet, because You love me, the most beautiful reality of my life!" (Monday, April 24, 1995)
"You call me, Lord, and open my ear, as with Isaiah, as with St. Matthew. I, as they, do not want to resist and turn back. Your call has very different characteristics from one stage of life to another. But it is always a call and it always implies taking up the cross and following You. Consequences? Also the same. If I let You act: your triumph, your victory, your reign. In me and in others." (September 21, 1994)
A call of predilection
Testimony of a Mother
What can she tell us about the vocation?