Discernment Retreats
We offer Pre-Consecrated Life (discernment) retreats for young women (up to 33 years old) who want to discover the will of God in their lives to walk the path of holiness and who wish to experience a deep encounter with the eternal love of God. These weekends are held in January, March and October. (Please call us to confirm dates and register by phone). These weekends begin Friday at 7 p.m. and conclude Sunday afternoon at 1:00 p.m.
Give the Lord an opportunity to speak to your heart and LISTEN to him through:
- Prayer and Silence
- Vocational Talks
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Testimonies of the Sisters
- Speaking with the Vocations Directress
… and you will find your path to TRUE HAPPINESS and catch a glimpse of the beauty of our consecration.

Summer Convivences
For girls ages 12-17 who would like to get to know the religious life and the beauty of the vocation in an environment of joy, prayer, fun and work shared with the Sisters, we host a four-day Vocational Summer Camp every year in June. (Confirm dates by phone)

Aspirancy is an optional period of formation for girls ages 12-17 which seeks to foster the life of piety and cultivate the Christian calling to holiness and the possible call of the Lord to the religious consecration.
In Steubenville, we offer Aspirancy-in-Family, in which aspirants live with their families, but come on a monthly basis to receive an integral formation in an environment of prayer, study, recreation, work and rest. (cf. Directory 87)
- Who can become an Aspirant? A Junior High or High School girl who has already participated in D.O.Y.M.A.R. or in Convivences with the Sisters and wants to actively respond to the Love of God..
- What does becoming an Aspirant in Family entail?
- Aspirant daily prayers (Morning offering, Rosary and night prayers).
- Love and obedience to your parents.
- Generosity with siblings and home duties.
- Cheerful testimony of your faith.
- Participating in the monthly Aspirant Weekends in Steubenville, Ohio.
- Receiving the Aspirant uniform.
- Annual vocational Convivences and Aspirants Retreat, in Steubenville, Ohio.
- What is an Aspirant Weekend like? It is a monthly formation weekend offered by the Sisters which includes prayer, spiritual formation, work, Spanish, music and sewing classes, games, Holy Mass and the D.O.Y.M.A.R. Prayer Encounter. It begins at 3:00 p.m. on Friday and concludes at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Candidacy is the time of preparation prior to Postulancy for young women who are seriously considering a vocation as a Daughter of Holy Mary of the Heart of Jesus. They live with the Sisters and have the opportunity to partake in the Sisters' prayer, community and apostolic life. (Others)